India Payroll

India Payroll you can run in your sleep

Run payroll with one platform to streamline international operations and eliminate the ongoing admin of local compliance, takes, benefits and more

Unmatched global payroll expertise

In-house payroll experts

Require assistance with local payroll management or entity establishment? Our in-house advisors possess extensive expertise

Reliably fast support

Facilitate off-cycle payments or address problems with the support of a dedicated Customer Success Manager

Payroll and HR, together

Janaa simplifies the management of payroll, handling everything from support to expenses, making it more convenient for you.

End data errors

Put an end to inconsistent reporting and varying SLAs from multiple systems. Get error-free data with Janaa.

We handle all things compliance, unlike other payroll providers

Employee benefits and deductions

Local filing of documents with authorities

Salary and tax payments (where applicable)

Payslip creation and delivery

Localized contracts and documents

Compliant onboarding and offboarding